Dr REENA GEORGE / Assistant Professor
MA, B.Ed, M.phil, Ph.D, SET, NET
dr.reenageorge10@gmail.com, reena.george@fmnc.ac.in
Kollam, Kerala
I have completed my B.A and M.A from university of Kerala and M.Phil. and Ph.D. from University of Calicut . I have 10 years of teaching experience from different colleges. The areas of my research are Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology and Organizational Behavior. Handling classes for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Published many articles in National and International Journals.
# | Exam | Institution | University |
1 | Ph.D | University of Calicut | University of Calicut |
# | Designation | Institution | Remarks |
1 | Assistant Professor | Fatima Mata National College, Kollam | |
2 | Assistant Professor [on contract] | Fatima Mata National College, Kollam | |
3 | Assistant Professor / HOD | St. Joseph’s College Devagiri, Calicut. | |
4 | Adhoc Lecturer | School of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology, Calicut | |
5 | Clinical Psychologist | Student Guidance Cell, National Institute of Technology Calicut. | |
6 | Assistant Professor [on contract] | Little Flower Institute of Social Science and Health, Kaithapoyil, Calicut. |
Courses (Papers) Taught
# | Courses (Papers) | Remarks |
# | Academic Year |
Books Published
# | Title | Sole Authored / Co Authored | Authors | Type of Book | Publications | Level | Place | Year | ISBN |
Papers Published
# | Title | Journal Name | Volume | Year |
1 | Role of perceived loneliness on academic adjustment among young student hostellers | ANVESHA ,IES MCRC | 15 | 2023 |
2 | Influence of hostility and personality on personal effectiveness among lawyers | International journal of indian psychology | 11 | 2023 |
3 | Role of emotional maturity on personal effectiveness among police officials | International journal of creative research thought | 11 | 2023 |
4 | Organizational culture inventory | Measures in applied psychology book | 2 | 2024 |
5 | Personal effectiveness inventory | Measures in applied psychology book | 2 | 2024 |
6 | Quality of work life questionaire | Measures in applied psychology book | 2 | 2024 |
7 | The moderating role of organisational culture on jobattitude and personal effectiveness | ANVESHA ,IES MCRC | 6 | 2013 |
8 | 1) Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2012). Role of Quality of Work Life on the Job Attitude and Personal Effectiveness of Engineering College Teachers. | ACADEMICIA. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. 2 (6). ISSN 2249-7137 | 2 | 2012 |
9 | Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2012). Organizational culture and Quality of work life as predictors of job attitude. | Zenith international journal of business economics and management research. ( ZIJBEMR ) ,9. ISSN - 2249-8826. | 9 | 2012 |
10 | Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2012). Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI). | International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management (IJHRDM) 2(1), 1-13. | 2 | 2012 |
11 | Reena, G., & Jayan,C . (2012). Impact of organizational culture on personal effectiveness- An analytical study. | Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (JIAAP). Golden Jubilee Special 38(3). ISSN:0019-4247 | 38(3) | 2012 |
12 | Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2011). Perceptions of organizational culture and personal effectiveness: A Meta analytical study. | Indian Journal of Life Skills Education, 3. (1). ISSN :0975-6019 | 3 | 2011 |
13 | Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2013). Organizational culture with unique prominence on Quality of work life and its impact on the Personal effectivenes | Edited book of XVI Annual convention of strategic management forum. Indian Institute of Management. Calicut, New Delhi : Excel publishers .ISBN: 978-93-82880-36-3 | 2013 | |
14 | Reena, G ., & Jayan,C . (2013). The moderating role of Organizational culture on Job attitude and Personal effectiveness. | ANVESHA, 6 (4).ISSN 0974-5467 | 6 | 2013 |
15 | Reena, G. (2015). Personal effectiveness as dependent variable in multiple regression analysis upon Organizational culture, Quality of work life and Job attitude | PRATIBIMBA.15 (1). ISSN 0972-5466 | 15 | 2015 |
Papers Presented
# | Title | Title of Seminar/Conference | Year | Organized by |
1 | . Role of Quality of Work Life on the Job Attitude and Personal Effectiveness of Engineering College Teachers. | National Conference on socio cultural prospects of positive psychology . Little flower institute of social science | 2012 | Little flower institute of social science and health. (LISSAH). Calicut. |
2 | Evolution of the concept, organizational culture –a review based study. | National seminar on current trends and challenges in applied psychology .University of Calicut. | 2010 | University of Calicut |
3 | Organizational culture and Quality of work life as predictors of job attitude. Fourth | International conference in excellence in research and education . | 2012 | Indian Institute of Management. Indore |
4 | Organizational culture with unique prominence on Quality of work life and its impact on the Personal effectiveness | XVI Annual convention of strategic management forum. Indian Institute of Management. Calicut. | 2013 | Indian Institute of Management. Calicut. |
Membership in Academic Bodies
# | Title | Details | Description |
Achievements and Awards
# | Title | Details |
Research and Supervision
# | Details |
Mphil or PhD Thesis
# | Title | Guide Name | Institution |
1 | Organizational culture and quality of worklife as moderators of jobattitude and personal effectiveness(Ph.D) | Dr C Jayan | University of Calicut |
2 | Role of parenting on mastery motivation of mentally challenged children(Mphil) | Dr Baby Shari | University of Calicut |
Research Projects
# | Title | Investigator(s) | Sponsors |
Workshop|FDP|Training Programme
# | Name of the Workshop / FDP / Training programme | Name of the Organizer | Level | Date |